Last updated on at 04:06 pm
Hey there, welcome to Miss Travelesque!
I’m Rosie. I love to travel and read. I play the piano and The Sims.
Other loves? Long walks, autumn, the smell of rain and newly cut grass, soft sheets.
On Travel
I love to travel because exploring new places, learning about other cultures and meeting locals bring me joy.
At the risk of sounding such a cliché, but oh well, here it goes… One of my favorite places in the world is Paris. Yes, I’m one of those. Ha. For what it’s worth, it took me two visits to get into the whole Paris bandwagon, but I’ve been a fan since.

And lastly, I like to blog. And so, this blog.
About this Blog
I started this blog to document my travels. I wanted some sort of a record of my travel experiences so I won’t forget.
You know how there are times when you so much want a moment to last, but, sadly, you can’t? That is so true with many of my travel moments. You can take a picture, yes, but the little details–like how the breeze felt on your skin, or how scary it was to get lost in a German forest (an interesting story for another time)–somehow get lost in the passage of time. And I don’t want that to happen. So writing it is then. And a blog is a great medium for that.
Blogging is also a creative outlet for me.
Moreover, as I continued to experience new places, I realized that I could share the things I learned to help others in their own travels.
So you’ll find in this blog: posts about travel destinations, tips and tricks on how to get the ultimate travel experience, budget travel posts, and other travel stories that aim to educate, help, and entertain.
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