Last updated on at 06:01 am
Packing for a weekend getaway and at a loss for what to pack? Check out these smart tips to ease off your worries!

When it comes to summer weekend getaways, I’m a beach kind of girl. Sun, sand, sea, and sky—that’s my kind of thing.
If you’d ask me to describe my perfect day, it would be on the sand with a great view of the turquoise water, a book in my hand, and a glass of a pastel-colored drink within my reach. To achieve that perfect day, I make sure I have with me my 5 most important travel essentials.
Packing for a Weekend Getaway Must-Haves
1. Large Brim Hat
While I love the sun, I’m well aware of the dangers it poses, so I make sure I bring along a large-brim hat for protection. It’s also handy when I eventually doze off, which happens every now and then.
2. Sunnies
Sunnies are of course for protection from the sun’s glare. And along with the large brim hat, it keeps me looking beach-appropriate and fabulous, to boot.
3. Water Bottle
For hydration. It also comes in handy when my cheapskate tendency strikes and I don’t want to spend much.
4. Good Book
I don’t go anywhere without a good book, much less at the beach when I’ve got plenty of time on my hands to while away. Plus, I find the calming sound of the water, the cool breeze, and the smell of the sea very conducive to reading.
5. Sunscreen
I like my beach time leisurely and long, so I need some sunscreen for protection. We don’t want those early signs of aging set in before they have to, do we?
Wrap Up
Make sure to include these travel essentials to ensure your weekend beach getaway becomes part of your unforgettable travel experience.
Happy travels!
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You know, I wish I was one of those people who could pull off a large brim hat. I’m usually more of a beanie type of girl and I can’t wear those at the beach!
I love beanies, too! The thing is, I’m not very good with large brim hats, actually. But I persevere because I easily get red under the sun. 🙂